12/15/2023 0 Comments Stop agonizing over what decision to make! Use Human Design to trust yourself.Do you get plagued with indecision? Are you constantly mulling over your choices? Are you afraid to take the next step towards your dreams? I have soooo been there! I’d go back and forth in my mind, weighing out ALL the options, and ultimately wouldn’t take action - staying frozen exactly where I was. Not making moves because I was afraid... Afraid of getting it wrong. Afraid of the judgment of others. Afraid to fail. Afraid it would all work out, giving me too much responsibility that I couldn’t handle. Afraid to change and leave the familiar life I knew behind. Imagine if you NEVER had to stress about making the right decision and you KNEW in your bones what the next step was. Well, what if I told you... There’s a built-in mechanism in your BODY that you can rely on instead of agonizing over what you should or shouldn’t do in your MIND! It’s called your Strategy + Authority in Human Design - others call it your intuition. You can learn to tune in and listen to what it is guiding you to do, which will always be right, correct, and healthy for you! BUT HOW!?!? Experiment with your Strategy and Authority! I call it the Trust and Verify Method. Use your Not-Self themes and Signatures as checkpoints to know if you are listening to your built-in decision maker. What does your Authority feel like in your body!? When you learn what the cues feel, sound, look like for your unique Authority you can begin to recognize when your body is telling you something is correct, right or healthy for you. By experimenting you'll also know when something is wrong, incorrect or unhealthy for you! Here is what it might feel like in your body for each authority type: EMOTIONAL AUTHORITY You will feel a rhythmic emotional wave that is unique to you. In an emotional low, you might feel tightness in your chest or a churning in your belly. In a high, you will feel a rise of energy that gives you a restlessness to move and create. Make space to ride your wave and return to your center - a feeling of ease and calm before you build your next masterpiece! SACRAL AUTHORITY You will feel energy rise from your lower belly to your throat when something Is a YES - making a gutteral uh huh sound. You might feel butterfly flutters In your belly or whole body tingles when your gut Is telling you to go for It. When something Is a NO, you will feel a descent of energy that hits the throat with an uh uh sound. That means your gut Is telling you. It's a no-go. SPLENIC AUTHORITY INNER whisper like "do this" or "do that"; it might not make logical sense, but you have an inner understanding and knowledge of what to do. Follow those intuitive pings or nudges you may feel tingling or pulsing sensations pulling you towards your next step. Respond to your inner urges and watch where it leads you. You can up-level your life very quickly when you follow your intuitive guidance and trust your instincts. EGO AUTHORITY Your reliable decision-making process comes from the heart center. So follow the urges of your heart, especially after you get that invitation. It's not selfish to follow what you want. Think I statement like "I want" or "I desire ." You will feel an opening In your chest - a surge of energy pulling you towards your wishes. Heart clearing exercises can help open you up to receive. SELF-PROJECTED Your decision-making comes from your connection to the identity center and the throat. Sense of self, direction, and love; you can literally speak from who you are. Listen to the sound of your voice, and express your decision out loud. How is the tone? Surrender to your Authority, and what does it feel like in your body? A No might raise your voice or cause a contraction in your throat. A YES might be an excited tone and expansive feeling in your throat. MENTAL AUTHORITY You have consistent access to your mind. Take time to weigh your decisions. Think of a sounding board; use others to bounce your ideas off of. Not to get their input but to mule over your choices and hear them out loud. You are constantly processing and conceptualizing. Notice how you feel in different environments and what feels right to you. You have a lot of open centers and can be sensitive to the defined centers around you. Notice how your body feels when you speak your decisions out loud. LUNAR AUTHORITY When you have no centers defined In your chart, you are a reflector. Your Authority Is connected to the lunar cycle (28 days). Before making an important decision, you should spend at least one lunar cycle contemplating and discussing your solution or action. Once you tune Into the lunar cycle and use It In your decision-making process, you will begin to be surprised and delighted by life! If you don't honor your unique approach and allow the world to rush you, you may find yourself suffering from disappointment and even dis-ease. Slow down and be aware of your environment and who you are around. If your environment FEELS good, then so will you! Remember, you are a mirror reflecting the core of their being. The Trust and Verify Method is all about believing these sensations you feel whether a decision is a YES or a NO and then verifying what you feel by taking action and reflecting on your Not Self theme (off track/out of alignment) and Soul Signature (on track/ in alignment). LET'S WALKTHROUGH AN EXAMPLE TOGETHER You are a Sacral being here to TRUST your gut and tune in for when you are flooded with excitement and verbally say yes to opportunities when they come to you. Or on the other hand you will feel your energy shut down and won't want to move forward. SCENARIO #1 An Invite to speak on a podcast comes through your DMs. Your body lights up in response, and a verbal hell yeah leaves your lips! You trust the yes and take the Interview. During the process, you are looking for verification that you are excited. You have the time of your life during the Interview and knock it out of the park. You notice how satisfied you feel when the Interview comes out. You realize Podcast Interviews are your jam! SCENARIO #2 Or maybe you don’t light up. The Podcast doesn’t excite you, and you notice you don’t have the energy to move forward. Buuuut your mind overrides the sensation and says, “This is a great opportunity you must take it! The Podcaster has 100,000 followers, and you need the exposure.” You take the interview, feel frustrated by the whole process, and your energy is meh on the day of the Interview - you bomb It, stumbling over your words. And after you are so frustrated with yourself for saying yes. Both scenarios are simply feedback; you gain valuable experience taking action, and the more you learn how your unique Strategy and Authority looks, feels, and sounds for you, the easier it becomes to trust yourself.You build confidence with your inner knowing and built-in decision-making mechanism that lets you know the best way to move forward. The key is being aware - when your mind tries to come in and override what you KNOW to be true for you in your bones. Let's connect!
Instagram, TikTok and Pinterest @TheRebelSoulJourney for more Human Design Biz + Brand Tips and Tricks 💋. XOXO, Shannon McAlister TheRebelSoulJourney.com
12/12/2023 0 Comments Changemakers in Human DesignWHAT IS A CHANGEMAKER? A changemaker is someone who is taking creative action to solve a social problem. Think Innovator. Trailblazer. Visionary. These people pick apart, tinker, dismantle, deconstruct, and leave behind old systems to build brand-new foundations and structures. They have mutative qualities that alter future generations. They bring transformation and new ways of being. They birth fresh pathways forward. They leave a wake of change as they move through life. In Human Design, a few Gate Placements point to people who innately have these changemaker, transformative, and mutative characteristics. If you are one of them, it's time to STOP fighting the evolutionary energy that percolates in your cells! It's TIME to allow the next version of you to land as you rearrange the world around you and alter the future generations to come - of course, for the greater good of all 😉!\ FIRST WHAT ARE YOUR GATE PLACEMENTS IN HUMAN DESIGN? These are your soul gifts and superpowers. It's what your soul came here to share with the world. And the reason you feel the need to figure out what your soul gifts are... Is because they come so naturally to you. You probably think everyone can do what you do- but they can't! These gifts are a part of your essence and what makes you YOU! Born with unique skills and talents, you need to double down on these and start using what your mama gave you! Flex your innate traits, and see how potent and powerful you already are. You didn't come here to do it like everyone else or try to fit in a box. Blow that box up and show us your soul! The world needs your magic and medicine - so get off the lane everyone force-fed you your whole life and get on your own sparkly rainbow road! I've rounded up EIGHT GATES that exude the energy of transformation and mutation. Pull up your Human Design Chart and see if you hold this energy! You can pull a FREE HUMAN DESIGN CHART at TheRebelSoulJoureny.com. We will be looking at the following: ❤️🔥 Your Gate Planet Placements - See above chart for what you are looking for. 1) GATE 3 INNOVATION There’s a pulsating energy radiating from your core. Your cells know change and mutation are coming. One day, you are one way - the next, you are a whole new person. You open up new codes In others through your childlike Innocence and the playful way you use your creative energy. Here to embrace the unknown, trust your timing, and Innovate the very things In life that Irritate you. You have a huge impact on others and don’t even realize It! 2) GATE 20 THE NOW Deeply connected to self-love, you focus on who you are being in the present moment and know that evolutionary change happens at a moment's notice. As the ultimate truth teller, you don't sugarcoat what needs to be said. Trusting the downloads you receive, you take action without mentally mulling over It or playing into exhausting considerations. By role modeling to others that everything exists in the present moment, you help them express their full range of being in the here and now. 3) GATE 22 OPENNESS You have a charming, graceful, and very individually attractive way of conducting and navigating life. Emotional awareness matures over time as you learn how to move through emotional openness with depth through listening. Grace and charm come through the ways you treat others, how you move, how you speak, and you exude your energy! With your romatic view of life, mysteriously magnetic aura and highly creative emotional nature you have a mutative impact when you speak that transforms the hearts and lives of others. 4) GATE 23 ASSIMILATION You translate your Inner knowing into language that Is easily digestiable to others. What you say can dramtically change the world. With your ability to say “I know” and share from an unattached space you Inititae us Into new ways of thinking. Your expression of your knowings attracts the attention of others. Skilled at delivering clear communication about your mutative and different perspectives your words are heard and land. Timing Is key to avoid misunderstanding and dismissal of your Impactful wisdom. 5) GATE 43 INSIGHT Brilliant flashes of pure knowing drop into your being. With your strong Inner Ear, you are here to hear your own inner voice above others. YOU JUST KNOW - certain or obvious next step or way to make things happen. When you share your Insight At the right timing, you have a spontaneous ability to transform others and how they see the world around them. 6) GATE 54 AMBITION There is pressure to achieve, to rise up, to transform, and to know what changes are worth following. You can defy all odds to bring about a dream or vision that comes from divine inspiration. When you are recognized, there can be infinite possibilities. Be mindful of the motivation behind your ambitions so you will feel a deep sense of success. Forging bonds, partners, alliances, and contacts at every opportunity. Your energy pushes others forward to make the necessary changes to achieve their dreams. 7) GATE 55 SPIRIT You live with an abundance of spirit and a sense of what matters most in life. With your deep connection to spirit you can experience high highs that spill over the top and Impact those around you. Your emotions and moods are gateways to great things. This emotional mutative energy Is very Individual and you need solo time to process your lows. Building safety and trust In yourself opens you to deeper layers of life. Attunement and access to frequencies even when life feels crazy you know their Is magic weaving behind the scences. Your trust In the unseen and deep emotional awarness empowers others to tap Into Spirit and trust that something far greater Is nudging them forwatd In life. 8) GATE 60 ACCEPTANCE You have a pulsating energy that puts pressure to transcend limitations and consistently get through blocks and limitations. Seeks to evolve past the old to create a new mutation. Holding onto a conservative approach, you take deliberate and practical steps to ensure the change is viable and long-lasting. In your creative process, you allow pressure to build and accept that the transformation will be released when you provide a solid foundation. Craving more!?!? Check out my newest workbook + worksheet to DIY your Human Design chart - you get access to ALL 64 Gates. After you jump in and see all the sparkly soul gifts you carry - you'll be activated ⚡️ and ready to create! Reach out on Instagram or TikTok @TheRebelSoulJourney or email Shannon at [email protected] if you have any Qs love bunnies!
xoxo, Shannon McAlister TheRebelSoulJourney.com FIRST WHAT IS BRAND IDENTITY?
The fusion of visual and content choices that convey your Business’ personality. It’s the face of your brand. The Brand Identity encompasses your color palette, design elements, photography, graphics, brand voice, slogans, taglines, and tone. These elements allude to your brand’s ethos, mission, and vision. IN HUMAN DESIGN YOU MAKE CHOICES BASED ON YOUR ✨ Strategy + Authority ✨ Your mind is NEVER the decision-maker! Especially when it comes to developing your Brand Identity - this Is something that gets to be felt and experienced! Learn to trust the cues, sensations, and nudges that come from your unique Strategy + Authority. Use your Signature and Not-Self Theme as indicators for when you are on the right track and when something feels off. In addition to knowing how you make decisions, I've rounded up three placements in your Human Design chart that can help you create your Brand Identity. Grab your journal and pull up your Human Design Chart. You can pull a FREE HUMAN DESIGN CHART at TheRebelSoulJoureny.com. We will be looking at your gate planet placements. 1) YOUR MOON WHAT DRIVES YOU (MISSION/WHY) What drives you, and what drives you crazy? This energy In your chart will most likely have a hand In why you started a business and created a product or service In the first place! The emotional pulse that propels you forward. It’s the energy that keeps you anchored and connected to your brand. Home to your intuition, this energy guides you to follow your destiny and what you want to be recognized for. EXAMPLE I have Gate 45.1 which means I'm here to be an authority and distribute resources from my investigative knowledge. AKA all my deep dives into Human Design and Creating Content! And Gate 55.4 - experiencing spirit + connection to your soul in the present moment. My Mission is to create resources to help people connect and experience their soul self. ✨ 2) YOUR VENUS WHAT YOU LOVE (VALUES) Your values, ideals, and what you love. This energy can point to your aesthetic standards for your environment, style, and brand image. Venus shows you your relationship wants and needs. It’s how you attract clients and manage your connections. Maximize your success and money by tapping into this energy! EXAMPLE With Gate 34.6 I role model self empowerment by expressing my uniqueness. AND Gate 7.1 I research better futures and ways forward for humanity. I'm here to influence leaders to pave a new path. My brand values are self empowerment, self expression and self leadership. 3) JUPITER HOW YOU EXPAND + CULTURE (ETHOS) The characteristic spirit of your brand culture or community. This energy brings people together through the brand’s beliefs, aspirations, and philosophies. How your brand experiences luck and joy. Where It expands and quantum leaps into the future! EXAMPLE Gate 42.2 I naturally see patterns and trends. I have the staying power to complete cycles and commit to growth. I'm really good at seeing other people's patterns in their Human Design chart and helping them bring their creations to life. Gate 3.4 is all about mutation, play and bringing order to chaos. I'm very unique + creative. My brand culture is all about finishing creative cycles based on patterns and trends. Helping others tap into their inner process and muse to bring their creations to form. PUT IT ALL TOGETHER!!! Using your Strategy + Authority collect photos, images, colors, slogans, taglines that align to your Brand Mission (MOON), Brand Values (VENUS) and Brand Culture (JUPITER). FIRST WHAT IS A BRAND VOICE? Your brand voice is the personality your brand takes on in all of its communications. Your voice serves as a guide of what to say and how to say it. Consider your overall tone - are you friendly, formal, sassy, witty, playful, serious, or mindful? Using the same tone consistently makes you more recognizable and helps you stand out from other brands. Your brand voice builds trusting relationships with your customers and community - your audience expects your content, services, and customer support to be the same across the board . When your customers feel like you are speaking directly to them, they feel part of the conversation and connected to the brand and are more likely to buy from you. HOW DOES YOUR BRAND VOICE RELATE TO HUMAN DESIGN? ✨ In Human Design, your Profile Lines point to your inner and outer personality. ✨ The Throat Center is your voice, expression, communication, and action hub. ✨ Your Sun Placement is the brightest aspect of your personality and what you are here to help others with. ✨ Your Mercury Placement is your message and what you came here to speak. I've rounded up FOUR places to look in your Human Design chart that can help you tune into your Brand Voice . Grab your journal and pull up your Human Design Chart. You can pull a FREE HUMAN DESIGN CHART at TheRebelSoulJoureny.com. We will be looking at the following: ❤️🔥 Your Profile Line (for example mine is 3/5 my report will give this to you) ❤️🔥 Your Throat Center - Square shape in throat area of body graph. If colored in you are defined. If white you are open/undefined. ❤️🔥 Your Gate Planet Placements - Sun + Mercury 1) PROFILE LINES YOUR INNER AND OUTER PERSONALITY Point to how you show up to share your message. Your tone, characteristics, communication style, and qualities that form your distinctive character. PROFILE LINE 1 - Knowledgeable Researcher PROFILE LINE 2 - Natural Talent PROFILE LINE 3 - Playful Explorer PROFILE LINE 4 - Opportunist Connector PROFILE LINE 5 - Universal Solution Creator PROFILE LINE 6 - Embodied Role Model EXAMPLE I’m a 3/5 profile so my outer personality is all about playing, experimenting, exploring, discovering, and embracing the creative mess. I'm here to be relatable, share the mistakes in my process and show that its ok to not be polished and perfect. My inner personality is about finding universal solutions, I’m constantly finding patterns, trends and paying attention to what can be solved. I feel a pressure to save, help, and transform other people’s lives and help them get on their soul path. My Brand personality is a playful experimenter who develops creative solutions. 2)THROAT CENTER HUB FOR YOUR VOICE, EXPRESSION, ACTION + COMMUNICATION DEFINED THROAT: you speak in a fixed way with the energies flowing from the centers the throat is connected to.
UNDEFINED THROAT: you amplify the voices around you and can feel a constant pressure to speak and express yourself. You’re not designed to plan what to say but rather to tune into your wisdom in the present moment. Lean into your Strategy and Authority to know when the time feels right to share, post, speak, and teach. When you follow your authority, your words will land, have an impact, and be well received by your audience. EXAMPLE I’m defined here with the 31-7 channel connecting the throat to the Identity Center. I have the energy to express myself and provide direction to others. My Brand Voice and Tone are all about being true to your soul expression and following your unique path. 3) YOUR ☀️ SUN ☀️ YOUR BRIGHTEST EXPRESSION (BRAND PERSONALITY) How your light is expressed to the world. This Is your life force and the pulse of your soul. It's at the core of your energy and how you show up. Think about this placement as your outer self and how others perceive you - This gate points to what they need from you and what you can help them with. EXAMPLE I have Gate 1.3 I’m here to be creative through trial and error! I express myself through everything I do; my style, music choices, the way I cook, how I host, decorating my house and I see every part of my life as an extension of my soul expression. And Gate 7.5 I influence better ways forward for humanity. Activating leaders to pave a new path. All through being self lead and self empowered. My brand personality is to CREATE your own path by taking radical responsibility for your path and expression! 4) 📣 MERCURY 📣 YOUR MESSAGE + HOW YOU COMMUNICATE (BRAND VOICE) What you are here to teach and talk about. The consistent style in which you communicate—your own personal magic for casting and crafting your brand messages. Tapping into this Gate energy brings out your soul’s flare with consistency, clarity, and character. EXAMPLE Gate 50.2 I naturally have a strong value system. I’m here to be an example of a strong moral compass. This is based on my intuition and discerning right or wrong in the present moment not in a black-and-white way of this is always wrong and that is always right. I also have a strong determination to overcome obstacles in life to create my dreams. Gate 31.6 I experiment and explore my influence and eventually become a role model of how to be influential in a heart-centered way. People tend to ask for my recommendations or how I do certain things. My Brand Voice is all about being integris with your influence and doing what's right even if hard! When you are tapped into your soul expression you permit others to do the same. PUT IT ALL TOGETHER!!! Show up to create and share online by expressing your brand personality (PROFILE + SUN PLACEMENT) and Brand Voice ( THORAT CENTER + MERCURY PLACEMENT). Tune into your specific definition of the Throat Center and as always follow your strategy and Authority! Craving more!?!? Reach out on Instagram or TikTok @TheRebelSoulJourney or email Shannon at [email protected] if you have any Qs love bunnies!
xoxo, Shannon McAlister TheRebelSoulJourney.com 12/7/2023 0 Comments Trendsetters in Human DesignSome people have an eye for what's stylish, cool, or about to be popular. They might be fashionable, pick songs before they blow up, create a social post that becomes a popular to recreate, or build a system that shakes up the old. Whatever it may be - this comes naturally to them. As a pattern spotter, these folks see what worked in the past and what didn't - they create something new or add a flare to what already exists. Pattern spotters MOVE US FORWARD - it's wild to see what catches on fire and how quickly trends take off. Especially in our era of social media and sharing online. In Human Design, a few Gate Placements point to people who naturally have a tastemaker air about them. If you are one of them, stop hiding, baby! You came here to change the world one trend at a time. FIRST WHAT ARE YOUR GATE PLACEMENTS IN HUMAN DESIGN? These are your soul gifts and superpowers. It's what your soul came here to share with the world. And the reason you feel the need to figure out what your soul gifts are... Is because they come so naturally to you. You probably think everyone can do what you do- but they can't! These gifts are a part of your essence and what makes you YOU! Born with unique skills and talents, you need to double down on these and start using what your mama gave you! Flex your innate traits, and see how potent and powerful you already are. You didn't come here to do it like everyone else or try to fit in a box. Blow that box up and show us your soul! The world needs your magic and medicine - so get off the lane everyone force-fed you your whole life and get on your own sparkly rainbow road! I've rounded up SEVEN GATES that exude the energy of a pattern spotter and trendsetter! Pull up your Human Design Chart and see if you hold this energy! You can pull a FREE HUMAN DESIGN CHART at TheRebelSoulJoureny.com. We will be looking at the following: ❤️🔥 Your Gate Planet Placements - See above chart for what you are looking for. 1) GATE 8 CONTRIBUTION You have a keen eye and sense of what is stylish, artistic, innovative, and novel. When you see a creative expression that piques your interest, you have the innate ability to make it marketable and cool. Your contribution to the world is all about being the fullest expression of yourself and Influencing others to do the same. 2) GATE 18 IMPROVING There’s an instinctual awareness that dwells inside you to recognize patterns that create more joy. You see what leads to the misuse of power and have a knack for reviewing structures and systems to bring upgrades, updates and Influence the collective to be their own authority and create more joy in their life. 3) GATE 28 MAKING THE MOST OF LIFE Searching for meaning, you have thrown yourself into situations of struggle to understand life and find purpose. You Influence and empower others to surmount challenges and be devoted to the journey - knowing the sweet nectar we are all searching for is in the climb toward the destination. 4) GATE 31 THE INFLUENCER You see where the collective needs to change and can provide new futuristic directions for us to follow. Your voice carries authority and Impact but you must be Invited for your influence to truly land. Share your unique and Independent visions of reality; you are here to predict new ways forward and guide others to make changes towards a higher path. 5) GATE 44 SPOTTING PATTERNS AND TRENDS Looking to the past, you see what patterns should NOT be repeated. NEW thoughts, Ideas, resources, products, and services are born through your pattern recognition. Guided by your heart, you Instinctively want what is fair, healthy, and equitable for your community and are influencing them towards material security and abundance. 6) GATE 58 SELF CREATED JOY Constantly feeling pressure to Improve and make life better, you crave more joy and create more joyful futures. You use logic and Innate scrutiny to see what patterns and structures are causing yourself and others to feel out of alignment. By following your Intuition and zest for life, you Influence others to create more joy and follow their creative spark. 7) GATE 63 DOUBT Always ask questions that focus on the future - you can create patterns to predict what will happen next. You have a gift for logic, inspiration for predicting patterns, and a desire to find answers that will help people. You can use your suspicion outwards to Improve systems and structures because you do the research and find the facts! You create new patterns and pathways for more ease In life using your Innovative ways to serve and Influence your community. Craving more!?!? Check out my newest workbook + worksheet to DIY your Human Design chart - you get access to ALL 64 Gates. After you jump in and see all the sparkly soul gifts you carry - you'll be activated ⚡️ and ready to create! Reach out on Instagram or TikTok @TheRebelSoulJourney or email Shannon at [email protected] if you have any Qs love bunnies!
xoxo, Shannon McAlister TheRebelSoulJourney.com How to work with your Undefined/Open CentersDepending on your energy type you might have a few centers that are white or not filled in or you may have many! I see you Reflectors. Having a lot of Open/Undefined isn't "BAD" or "GOOD" you personally have different ways that your energy works especially around other human beings. Bringing awareness to how others energy can impact you will help you navigate turbulent, overwhelming and frustrating situations by mastering theme of each Open/Undefined center. Once you've intergraded your life lessons you can teach the rest of us! Open/Undefined Centers will appear white or not filled in on your chart. You have inconsistent energy in these areas of your life. NOT SELF Themes - Points to wounds, struggles, programming and conditioning. Your various life lessons and what you are here to master. You can read, FEEL and amplify others' energy in this area. You will gain wisdom through your Open/Undefined centers to share and teach others through your experiences. You will learn to trust Source/Spirit. Get curious and ask yourself questions when you are feeling off or out of sync with your energy. Let's Chat Center SpecificsOpen/Undefined Head
Mental Pressure, Inspiration, Questions, Doubts and Confusion. When you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, pressure to make a decision or to have an answer - This can be a sign your NOT SELF theme is taking the wheel. You are designed to channel Inspiration from the ethers and follow what tingles your heart. Questions: Am I taking on Anxiety that Isn't mine? Am I trying to answer other people's questions? Open/Undefined Ajna Mental Consciousness, Conceptualizing, Interpreting, Answers as Opinions, Concepts and Theories. When you feel the need to "figure out" life or know for certain that's your NOT SELF chiming in. You may take on other people's ideas, values, and beliefs as your own. You’re meant to see many perspectives and switch logic styles to show us possibilities that no one else can see yet. Questions: Am I trying to convince everyone I am certain? Am I holding onto outdated Ideas and beliefs? Open/Undefined Throat Communication, Manifestation, Metamorphosis and Transformation through Interaction with the World. Overcoming your fear of not being noticed or heard will happen when your NOT SELF learns to let go of not "knowing" what to say. Trust that the divine will always give you the right words at the right time. Resist the pressure to just say what you think others want to hear. Be clear on your Intentions and share when Inspired. Questions: Am I trying to attract attention? Am I speaking with Integrity or trying to please others? Open/Undefined Identity Love, Identity and Direction, Seat of the Magnetic Monopole, Higher Self You may find yourself constantly trying to find direction and love - your NOT SELF tries to prove that you are lovable. Feeling directionless, you may let others navigate your life and assume they know better Liberate yourself and try on many different identities and know that whichever you choose that day is the perfect expression of you. Questions: Am I looking for love and direction? Am I allowing a title or relationship define me? Open/Undefined Heart Willpower, Ego and The Material Word Notice when you feel the need to compete, prove yourself or follow your ego's desire - your NOT SELF feels unworthy. Know that the truest value has nothing to do with what you achieve. You are here to reflect the bigger picture to the rest of the world. Be loyal to your soul. Build a relationship with yourself of utter acceptance and unconditional love - others' will follow your lead. Questions: Do I think I have something to prove? Do I think by proving myself I'll receive acceptance and love? Open/Undefined Solar Plexus Spirit Consciousness, Emotional and Social Awareness, Passion and Desire, Abundance of Spirit, Feelings, Moods and Sensitivity. If you feel out of control emotionally, notice who you are around and what mood they are In. You are here to witness the full range of emotional experiences, but not to take others' emotions on as your own -NOT SELF. Hard conversations are the way to release emotions - don't hold on to these they may manifest In your body In physical symptoms. Allow yourself solo time each day to return to your own intrinsic calmness and neutrality. Questions: Am I avoiding confrontation and truth? Am I afraid of someone else's emotional reaction? Open/Undefined Sacral Power of Fertility, Vital Energy, Responsibility, Availability, Sexuality Hustling to keep pace is your NOT SELF theme - learn when enough is enough. You begin to enjoy the buzz of life force energy without getting over-taken by It. You attune to Inner resources and know what Is worth exerting your energy for and what Is not. Tapping In and amplifying the sacral energy around you can help you "get things done" and then make sure you take time to withdraw and recharge. Questions: Do I know when enough Is enough? Am I afraid of what happens If I stop "doing"? Open/Undefined Spleen Body Consciousness, Full Existential Living, Spontaneity, Health and Well-Being, Values, Immune System Staying In unhealthy patterns that make you "feel safe" but terrible and drained is your NOT SELF theme. You will begin to know what is healthy vs. what is not for you. You become highly attuned to your body's needs without letting your mind override your sensations. You become unafraid of fear itself. Learn to create boundaries around other people's fears. Facing fears, one by one, helps you become more fearless throughout your life. Questions: Am I holding on to what isn't good for me? Am I repeating unhealthy patterns? Open/Undefined Spleen Body Consciousness, Full Existential Living, Spontaneity, Health and Well-Being, Values, Immune System The pressure you feel to "do" and "get things done" Is your NOT SELF, - you are subject to absorbing and amplifying the stress and pressure of those around you. You think the faster you finish the quicker the pressure will lift but this Is a false belief. Sit with the pressure and use the adrenaline to make creative diamonds. Questions: Am I In a hurry to get things done so I can be free of pressure? Do I feel like I can only rest when everything Is done? Want to dive deeper Into your Human Design? There are 3 ways to get In my Orbit: REBORN RETREAT 🐛 🦋 May 4th - May 7th Sedona, AZ Soul SEQUENCE 🧬 👁 February 16th, 2023 Human Design + Somatic Group Program STAR GIRL 💫 🪐 February 2023 1:1 Main Character Energy 🍄 Coaching + Human Design + Somatic Practices DM me STAR Girl on Instagram or TikTok @TheRebelSoulJourney Many of us walk around saying and doing things that we aren't even aware of. But what does it mean when we notice something in others? We all have the friend that won't stop talking about themself and doesn't ask you any question about your life. Or we get frustrated with the parent that nags us at the other end of the phone? Maybe your partner isn't fully present when you explain your story? What you start to spot in other people tends to reflect an unhealed, unsimulated or unbalanced part of yourselves. So within in so without. As above, so below. Whatever you are experiencing in your external reality is going on inside of you. You can try as you might to fix things on the physical plane, but until you bring harmony within, you will never have the satisfaction you genuinely crave. You might blame your job, your mom or your friends for not giving you what you need or doing the things you expect them to do, but this won't help. You will get trapped in your trigger, repeating the victim blame pattern until you heal that part of you within. Here's a practical example from one of my clients who started a business. As she shared her message with her social media community, friends and family, many people met her with confusion, resistance and misunderstood what she was trying to offer. I asked her, how does that make you feel? She replied exasperated, "Like no one truly understands me!" I then asked.. "Do you feel like you truly understand yourself? Do you know who you are and what your message is?" She paused, then a bit perplexed, she answered, " I guess I don't..." Next, I asked if she felt like spending some time understanding herself would help with her relationships? She agreed it would, so I walked her through the following visualization exercises. Try the activities for yourself below, or you can listen to the guided meditation here. For this activity, you will need about 20 minutes of quiet time, a journal and a pen. Let's see who is underneath all the shame, blame, guilt and victim mentality. Play Envision a younger version of you. Maybe in your childhood bedroom, treehouse/fort or in your favorite place as a kid. Greet your inner child with a hug and loving embrace. Let her know she's safe with you, that you will take care of her, and want to get to know her better. When you feel comfortable, ask her what her favorite things to do, see, learn and create are? What lights her up. Listen to her, feel her, see what she wants to show you. Spark Now visualize you are in a dark room, that it's just you and a large projector screen. You are watching a highlight reel of everything that has ever sparked something in you. Maybe it's a book, helping others, dancing, creating, music. Think of something that is the opposite of a trigger; think about people, places and things that have made you feel at home, safe, expansive and expressive that you lose yourself in the flow of. Values Living in integrity means living by your own internal values. These can be different from your current religion, community, work or even family and friends. It's essential to be aware of your own inner guidance system. Check-in on these often; as we go through different growth stages and cycles, your core values can shift. Take some time to think through what you value in yourself and others. Write down a list of 10 things you appreciate about others (role models, family, friends, boss, leaders etc.) These should be people you look up to and would want to embody these values. Next, write down ten things you value about yourself. Now take a look at both lists. Are there any that overlap? Condense your list, and feel free to add any other values that come to mind. Example: I value speaking my Truth I value respecting and listening to others I value expansion I value connection to the Divine Keep a list of your values in a spot you can see every day to become engrained and top of mind. Once you are clear about your values, it makes decision making easier. Is this decision aligned with my values? Meaning Place your hand on your heart and breath into your chest; feel your heartbeat on your hand. Listen to the harmony you produce within. Feel into things you are grateful for.
Passion In a relaxed position, think of something, someone, someplace that you really really care about. Maybe this is human rights, animals, sustainability, honoring our elders, solving problems for others, organizing, leading. Spend some time appreciating what you care about. Now, write down a list of everything you thought of. Joy Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Imagine you are getting ready to embark on your perfect day! Nothing is stopping you, not time, money, travel, work or other people.
Now that you have worked through the exercises, use the blank graph below to write down a few of your key takeaways. Connection questions:
1) Do you see any correlations or common threads from all the categories? 2) Do you feel like you have a better idea of who you are underneath your trigger? 3) What are a few things you can do next time you get triggered? How can you remind yourself who you REALLY are? Are you looking for guidance and support to work through your triggers? I offer 1:1 coaching and courses. Comment below with what resonated or if you have any follow up questions. Much Love Always, xoxo Shannon McAlister 4/28/2021 1 Comment 5 Tips for ProjectorsI've rounded 5 tips for Projectors for all those interested in learning more about Human Design. New to Human Design? Get a free reading on My Body Graph or Google "free Human Design graph ."There are 5 Aura types in Human Design; manifestors, reflectors, projectors, manifesting generators, and generators. Projectors As non-sacral beings, Projectors have inconsistent access to sacral energy. You are here to manage, guide, and direct the energy of all the other types. You have a fantastic awareness and perspective that allows you to be sensitive and read others. The key for Projectors is to recognize and acknowledge your own unique gifts first and then wait for the right people to see your brilliance and invite you to share your wisdom. You have a focused and absorbing aura, thanks to the G Center. The ability to access others' energy when acting according to your strategy. When you are invited to share your guidance, you have an uncanny way to help increase productivity, sustainability, and coherence. Ultimately you are here to be a guide for the collective. Strategy Wait for the invitation and recognition to guide others. If you offer unsolicited advice or penetrate others' auras without the invitation, you will experience bitterness. Your aura is absorbing and able to see into others' G Center and the direction of the other. Sometimes people aren't ready or want to be seen in this way. Authority Emotional (Solar Plexus Center) You have a consistent way of processing your emotions and are here to learn to ride the emotional wave. When you are in an emotional high or low, is not when to make decisions. Doing so will lead to emotional and impulsive actions in your life. Instead, create space in your schedule and routines to feel your entire emotional cycle. Once you get to a place of neutral, then make the decision. Splenic (Spleen Center) Your Inner decision-making comes from your Spleen Center, where you have instant access. It will say it once and in a subtle ping. Think of a whisper like "do this" or "do that"; it might not make logical sense, but you have an inner understanding and knowledge of what to do. Follow those intuitive pings or nudges. Respond to your inner urges and watch where it leads you. You can up-level your life very quickly when you follow your intuitive guidance and trust your instincts. Ego-Projected (Heart Center) Your reliable decision-making process comes from the heart center. So follow the urges of your heart, especially after you get that invitation. It's not selfish to follow what you want. Think I statement like "I want" or "I desire ."You make decisions, create and speak things from your heart. You'll work through your recognition and invitations and listen to your heart. Where is it calling you to go? Don't apologize for what you want or where you are going. Self-Projected (Identity Center) Your decision-making comes from your connection to the identity center and the throat. Sense of self, direction, and love; you can literally speak from who you are. Listen to the sound of your voice, and express your decision out loud. How is the tone? Surrender to your Authority, and what does it feel like in your body? A No might raise your voice or cause a contraction in your throat. A YES might be an excited tone and expansive feeling in your throat. Mental (Anja Center) You have consistent access to your mind. Take time to weigh your decisions. Think of a sounding board; use others to bounce your ideas off of. Not to get their input but to mule over your choices and hear them out loud. You are constantly processing and conceptualizing. Notice how you feel in different environments and what feels right to you. You have a lot of open centers and can be sensitive to the defined centers around you. 5 Tips For Projectors
1) Create balance in your life As a non-sacral being, you do not have sustainable energy and are vulnerable to burnout. Make sure you create routines and schedules that feel good to you. You can take in and amplify the sacral energy around, which can be unsustainable if you continue to try to keep up with the hustle and grind mentality. You are not meant to work a typical 9-5 or be in school all day long. Try to find work that's flexible or where you can create your schedule. 2) Build in rest You need rest and space from the Generator field (Sacral Energy). Go to bed before you are tired and sleep until you are well rested. Although you are NOT lazy, you have most likely been conditioned to think you are like a Generator and meant to do, do, do. But that's not the case for you. Projectors need space and time to be in their own energy. Learn to recognize what your system and body needs. Then, you can thrive when you set up the right environment for yourself. 3) Learn to trust yourself + divine Being in the right location to get the right invitations is very important for you. Make sure you are living in a city and environment that you enjoy. You need to be seen and recognized; if you aren't, your magnetism won't be activated. If you don't love your area, you won't thrive to the level you could. In this case, you will suffer, and other people won't experience your gifts and guidance. 4) Share your guidance when invited Learn to wait to share your guidance once you have been seen, recognized, or invited. You must be relaxed and become an open channel. Live your life and enjoy what you are doing. You become magnetic to the right people, places, and things. Focus, care, and nurture yourself; as a result, you will be called into service. 5) Work through your wounds of not feeling seen and heard. In the past, you may have experienced times when you gave fantastic advice, but the other person didn't listen. Then a few weeks later, you check in with them, and they tell you about a great tip they received from a co-worker, AND it was the same advice you gave them just a few weeks earlier! This can make you feel like you aren't seen or heard, but your guidance is only received when you are invited to share. Embrace your own unique nature and value being enough. Over time you will gain a certain sense of inner peace and safety that will enable you to access your gifts of guidance. If you are Interested In learning more about your Human Design chart, I offer chart reading sessions. When you learn to work with your specific energy type your whole life changes! Much Love Always, xoxo Shannon McAlister 4/28/2021 1 Comment 5 Tips for ReflectorsFor all those interested in Human Design, I've rounded 5 tips for Reflectors. New to Human Design? Get a free reading on My Body Graph or Google "free Human Design graph". There are 5 Aura types in Human Design; manifestors, reflectors, projectors, manifesting generators and generators. Reflectors have all 9 centers completely white and totally undefined. As a result, they do not have consistent access to any of the 9 centers that the rest of us do. Therefore they may struggle to have a sense of self and stay grounded. They are fluid beings, taking in and amplifying the energy around them. Functioning as a mirror to the people around them, they are not designed to be consistent in their thinking, speaking, process, identity, values and energy levels. They are also not intended to have a balanced relationship to fear, intuition, emotions, or their adrenalized-spark to take action. Every day, they are different depending on who they are around and the current planetary transits. In Human Design, they are referred to as lunar beings: they need to wait for an entire moon cycle before making big life decisions because of their open centres. Less than 1% of the population are reflectors. They are so vastly different than the rest of us. They are appearing as neither this nor that but an ever-changing fluid personality and being. It's vital for reflectors to learn to be open and ground on their true transparency. They must surrender to life itself; they fluidly meet what's in front of them. When reflectors are in a healthy state, they have a natural connection to their awakening. If they are unhealthy, they are unable to calibrate to their openness and are grounded into their programming and conditioning of those around them, or they are in an unhealthy community reflecting that back to all. It's key to learn to release all identifications and/or be in a healthy, thriving environment. 5 Tips for Reflectors
Tip #1 Find the right environment Due to their fluid and open nature, Reflectors must live and work in an environment that is harmonious. Our world is constantly changing; therefore, Reflectors must rely on their environment for stability and identity. Having stable partners and relationships can help Reflectors live a more stable and grounding life. The challenge here is that the Reflector can lose themselves in relationships if the scales tip. Daily rituals that help keep you grounded, balanced and harmonious will help Reflectors have inner and outer balance. Choose your friends, partners and communities wisely, as this has a drastic impact on your energy type and inner workings. Your people should make you feel good. If they don't, it's time to speak your truth, cut ties or find a new community that supports you. Tip #2 Learn when enough is enough If Generators surround you daily, you reflect and amplify their energy. With your open centers, it can be hard for you to know when enough is enough. You can sometimes appear to have vast amounts of energy and may have been conditioned to believe you are Generator. You may try to keep up with friends, partners and co-workers, but you are designed for more rest and solo time. Tip #3 Schedule rest and solo time You do not have sustainable energy; Reflectors must be mindful of getting enough rest and keep self-care at the top of your priority list. It would be best if you had time away from all types of energy to clear the energies you have encountered throughout the day. Being out in nature can be a healing salve for Reflectors. Living in rural or open nature areas can be a tranquil lifestyle for a Reflector. Taking daily solo walks amongst the trees or coastline can help clear out any outside energy you have collected. Tip #4 Work with the lunar cycle Reflectors must take time to sort out what is theirs and what is someone else's thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with all the open centers. It's said that Reflectors must wait 28 days to make decisions. However, many Reflectors have found this not to be the case for them. Tune in to what feels best for you and make time to contemplate what is true for you. Following the lunar cycle can be beneficial to understand any cosmic and external energies that may impact you throughout the year. If this resonates with you, there are many apps and sites that you can learn more about mama moon and how her energy affects us. Tip #5 Grounding practices Anything that helps you ground down into the present moment will create more stability in your life. Naturally, you are fluid and a mirror to others. To feel more secure in yourself, use grounding practices to give you more ease and calm as you go about your day. Some grounding practices are; cooking, gardening, walking barefoot on the ground, anything that makes you feel connected to mother earth. If you are Interested In learning more about your Human Design chart, I offer chart reading sessions. When you learn to work with your specific energy type your whole life changes! Much Love Always, xoxo Shannon McAlister 4/15/2021 1 Comment 5 Tips for ManifestorsFor all those interested in Human Design, I've rounded 5 tips for Manifestors. New to Human Design? Get a free reading on My Body Graph or Google "free Human Design graph". There are 5 Aura types in Human Design; manifestors, reflectors, projectors, manifesting generators and generators. Today we will be talking about Manifestors. Manifestors If your chart has an open (white) Sacral Center and one of the other three motors going to the throat center you are a Manifestor. Only 8 percent of the population are Manifestors. With an open Sacral Center, Manifestors do not have sustainable energy or that inner GPS. Instead, the open Sacral Center takes in and amplifies all the Generator energy around them. Manifestors can do more than Generators and Manifesting Generators but only for a while. If they try to sustain this energy, it leads to burn out. Manifestors need rest and alone time to cool down from being exposed to the rev up from Generators motors. They are vulnerable to not knowing when enough is enough and can overdo it. Manifestors are here to impact people, situations, and projects. They are here to get things moving. They are designed to initiate a process, then step out and let the Generators do the legwork to build. Since Manifestors don't have a defined Sacral Center they don't have to wait to respond. Yet since they don't have that clear inner guidance system, Manifestors often need to take an experimental approach to see what will work. As a powerful force, Manifestors have a closed repelling aura. They have typically been leaders in our culture. Having a motor to the throat means they don't depend on others to take action and can be loners paving their own way. Having a non-verbal process requires time to cultivate, and they need to be allowed to be in their creative process flow. Interruptions and help from others can break their flow; it's important that Manifestors have enough time and space with their thoughts. The strategy for Manifestors is to inform. At times the power and impact of Manifestors can be intimidating and challenging to others. They are designed to do what they want when they want. In today's society, this can be unwelcomed behavior "stay in line" can be mumbled from the sidelines. That's why when Manifestors inform people; they stand a far greater chance of diminishing resistance they might encounter. If interrupted or when things don't go their way, Manifestors can get angry. This can be tough on both the Manifestor and the people around them. Manifestors need to find proper outlets for their anger to avoid shutting down their creative flow. 5 Tips for ManifestorsTip 1 - Learn to balance time alone and time with others
While we admire individuality, we also value connection, and it can be not very clear to Manifestors where they fit on that scale. They are fiercely independent and aren't always team players. Especially if other people on the team have opposing opinions or when authority tries to tell them what to do. It's essential to create space and time alone to work on your projects and ideas. When working in team settings, be aware that your anger might flare if someone argues your viewpoints and tries to tell you to do something that you disagree with it. Just by being aware of this, you can calm the internal dialogue and body sensations that arise. Tip 2 - Create healthy outlets for anger Anger can arise for Manifestors when things don't go their way. It can get ugly, as many of them unleash these emotional sensations internally on themselves or others. The key is to have healthy outlets for your anger. Try a high-intensity workout, hit a pillow and scream. Clear this energy, and then do an activity that excites you. Time alone or out in nature to connect back to your vision and something bigger than you can help soothe your pent up negative energy. Find self-soothing techniques that work for you. With your power and anger, you can create an unstable environment and repel others. Learn to manage how you handle your anger both internally and externally. Tip 3 - Know when enough is enough You take on the energy of the Generators around you, which leads to not knowing when enough is enough. You can risk burnout out or be perceived as "too much". You may overindulge in unhealthy self-soothing behaviors, not knowing when to stop engaging in these negative patterns. Create a schedule that allows solo time. Cultivate spiritual practices that allow you to clear the energy of others and get back to your natural energy cadence. Write a list of healthy self-soothing techniques such as meditation, taking a bath, going for a walk, whatever feels best for you. Tip 4 - Cultivate mindfulness or inner guidance practices Without the inner guidance system of the Sacral Center you are meant to experiment with your ideas and see what sticks. This can be incredibly challenging as you might feel pressure to know what is next. Release that pressure by cultivating mindfulness or spiritual practice that allows you to relax into the present moment. Everything is unfolding exactly as it should. Trust in the divine plan. Be curious and open to the present moment. Learn to surrender to the now, and you will uncover a new way of being with less worry and pressure to perform. You are powerful and impactful; trust in that knowing. Tip 5 - Schedule in rest, relaxation and isolation time You are not designed for our cultural norm of school and work from nine to five. You simply do not have sustainable energy. You do best by initiating a project and then leaving the work aspect to the Generators. Create space in your schedule for downtime and rest away from all the Sacral motor energy. You'll need to learn to pay attention and manage your energy levels. Naps and solo time are daily musts! Are you looking for more support? I offer 1:1 coaching sessions to dive into your Human Design type together and help you discover the life journey that will lead you to excitement and satisfaction. I also have a self-discovery course called Let Your Light Shine. Any questions, pop them below or feel free to reach out through the contact form. Much Love Always, The Rebel Soul Shannon McAlister |
AuthorShannon McAlister | Educator, wifey and conscious mama who is practicing mindful living + appreciating the everyday magic! CategoriesAll Astrology Conscious Parenting Events Archived Generators Human Design Human Design + Branding Human Design Centers Manifesting Generators Manifestors Mindfulness My Story Rebel Soul Stories Recipes Reflectors Self Discovery Self-Discovery Archives
December 2023