12/7/2023 0 Comments Trendsetters in Human DesignSome people have an eye for what's stylish, cool, or about to be popular. They might be fashionable, pick songs before they blow up, create a social post that becomes a popular to recreate, or build a system that shakes up the old. Whatever it may be - this comes naturally to them. As a pattern spotter, these folks see what worked in the past and what didn't - they create something new or add a flare to what already exists. Pattern spotters MOVE US FORWARD - it's wild to see what catches on fire and how quickly trends take off. Especially in our era of social media and sharing online. In Human Design, a few Gate Placements point to people who naturally have a tastemaker air about them. If you are one of them, stop hiding, baby! You came here to change the world one trend at a time. FIRST WHAT ARE YOUR GATE PLACEMENTS IN HUMAN DESIGN? These are your soul gifts and superpowers. It's what your soul came here to share with the world. And the reason you feel the need to figure out what your soul gifts are... Is because they come so naturally to you. You probably think everyone can do what you do- but they can't! These gifts are a part of your essence and what makes you YOU! Born with unique skills and talents, you need to double down on these and start using what your mama gave you! Flex your innate traits, and see how potent and powerful you already are. You didn't come here to do it like everyone else or try to fit in a box. Blow that box up and show us your soul! The world needs your magic and medicine - so get off the lane everyone force-fed you your whole life and get on your own sparkly rainbow road! I've rounded up SEVEN GATES that exude the energy of a pattern spotter and trendsetter! Pull up your Human Design Chart and see if you hold this energy! You can pull a FREE HUMAN DESIGN CHART at TheRebelSoulJoureny.com. We will be looking at the following: ❤️🔥 Your Gate Planet Placements - See above chart for what you are looking for. 1) GATE 8 CONTRIBUTION You have a keen eye and sense of what is stylish, artistic, innovative, and novel. When you see a creative expression that piques your interest, you have the innate ability to make it marketable and cool. Your contribution to the world is all about being the fullest expression of yourself and Influencing others to do the same. 2) GATE 18 IMPROVING There’s an instinctual awareness that dwells inside you to recognize patterns that create more joy. You see what leads to the misuse of power and have a knack for reviewing structures and systems to bring upgrades, updates and Influence the collective to be their own authority and create more joy in their life. 3) GATE 28 MAKING THE MOST OF LIFE Searching for meaning, you have thrown yourself into situations of struggle to understand life and find purpose. You Influence and empower others to surmount challenges and be devoted to the journey - knowing the sweet nectar we are all searching for is in the climb toward the destination. 4) GATE 31 THE INFLUENCER You see where the collective needs to change and can provide new futuristic directions for us to follow. Your voice carries authority and Impact but you must be Invited for your influence to truly land. Share your unique and Independent visions of reality; you are here to predict new ways forward and guide others to make changes towards a higher path. 5) GATE 44 SPOTTING PATTERNS AND TRENDS Looking to the past, you see what patterns should NOT be repeated. NEW thoughts, Ideas, resources, products, and services are born through your pattern recognition. Guided by your heart, you Instinctively want what is fair, healthy, and equitable for your community and are influencing them towards material security and abundance. 6) GATE 58 SELF CREATED JOY Constantly feeling pressure to Improve and make life better, you crave more joy and create more joyful futures. You use logic and Innate scrutiny to see what patterns and structures are causing yourself and others to feel out of alignment. By following your Intuition and zest for life, you Influence others to create more joy and follow their creative spark. 7) GATE 63 DOUBT Always ask questions that focus on the future - you can create patterns to predict what will happen next. You have a gift for logic, inspiration for predicting patterns, and a desire to find answers that will help people. You can use your suspicion outwards to Improve systems and structures because you do the research and find the facts! You create new patterns and pathways for more ease In life using your Innovative ways to serve and Influence your community. Craving more!?!? Check out my newest workbook + worksheet to DIY your Human Design chart - you get access to ALL 64 Gates. After you jump in and see all the sparkly soul gifts you carry - you'll be activated ⚡️ and ready to create! Reach out on Instagram or TikTok @TheRebelSoulJourney or email Shannon at [email protected] if you have any Qs love bunnies!
xoxo, Shannon McAlister TheRebelSoulJourney.com
4/28/2021 1 Comment 5 Tips for ReflectorsFor all those interested in Human Design, I've rounded 5 tips for Reflectors. New to Human Design? Get a free reading on My Body Graph or Google "free Human Design graph". There are 5 Aura types in Human Design; manifestors, reflectors, projectors, manifesting generators and generators. Reflectors have all 9 centers completely white and totally undefined. As a result, they do not have consistent access to any of the 9 centers that the rest of us do. Therefore they may struggle to have a sense of self and stay grounded. They are fluid beings, taking in and amplifying the energy around them. Functioning as a mirror to the people around them, they are not designed to be consistent in their thinking, speaking, process, identity, values and energy levels. They are also not intended to have a balanced relationship to fear, intuition, emotions, or their adrenalized-spark to take action. Every day, they are different depending on who they are around and the current planetary transits. In Human Design, they are referred to as lunar beings: they need to wait for an entire moon cycle before making big life decisions because of their open centres. Less than 1% of the population are reflectors. They are so vastly different than the rest of us. They are appearing as neither this nor that but an ever-changing fluid personality and being. It's vital for reflectors to learn to be open and ground on their true transparency. They must surrender to life itself; they fluidly meet what's in front of them. When reflectors are in a healthy state, they have a natural connection to their awakening. If they are unhealthy, they are unable to calibrate to their openness and are grounded into their programming and conditioning of those around them, or they are in an unhealthy community reflecting that back to all. It's key to learn to release all identifications and/or be in a healthy, thriving environment. 5 Tips for Reflectors
Tip #1 Find the right environment Due to their fluid and open nature, Reflectors must live and work in an environment that is harmonious. Our world is constantly changing; therefore, Reflectors must rely on their environment for stability and identity. Having stable partners and relationships can help Reflectors live a more stable and grounding life. The challenge here is that the Reflector can lose themselves in relationships if the scales tip. Daily rituals that help keep you grounded, balanced and harmonious will help Reflectors have inner and outer balance. Choose your friends, partners and communities wisely, as this has a drastic impact on your energy type and inner workings. Your people should make you feel good. If they don't, it's time to speak your truth, cut ties or find a new community that supports you. Tip #2 Learn when enough is enough If Generators surround you daily, you reflect and amplify their energy. With your open centers, it can be hard for you to know when enough is enough. You can sometimes appear to have vast amounts of energy and may have been conditioned to believe you are Generator. You may try to keep up with friends, partners and co-workers, but you are designed for more rest and solo time. Tip #3 Schedule rest and solo time You do not have sustainable energy; Reflectors must be mindful of getting enough rest and keep self-care at the top of your priority list. It would be best if you had time away from all types of energy to clear the energies you have encountered throughout the day. Being out in nature can be a healing salve for Reflectors. Living in rural or open nature areas can be a tranquil lifestyle for a Reflector. Taking daily solo walks amongst the trees or coastline can help clear out any outside energy you have collected. Tip #4 Work with the lunar cycle Reflectors must take time to sort out what is theirs and what is someone else's thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with all the open centers. It's said that Reflectors must wait 28 days to make decisions. However, many Reflectors have found this not to be the case for them. Tune in to what feels best for you and make time to contemplate what is true for you. Following the lunar cycle can be beneficial to understand any cosmic and external energies that may impact you throughout the year. If this resonates with you, there are many apps and sites that you can learn more about mama moon and how her energy affects us. Tip #5 Grounding practices Anything that helps you ground down into the present moment will create more stability in your life. Naturally, you are fluid and a mirror to others. To feel more secure in yourself, use grounding practices to give you more ease and calm as you go about your day. Some grounding practices are; cooking, gardening, walking barefoot on the ground, anything that makes you feel connected to mother earth. If you are Interested In learning more about your Human Design chart, I offer chart reading sessions. When you learn to work with your specific energy type your whole life changes! Much Love Always, xoxo Shannon McAlister 4/15/2021 1 Comment 5 Tips for ManifestorsFor all those interested in Human Design, I've rounded 5 tips for Manifestors. New to Human Design? Get a free reading on My Body Graph or Google "free Human Design graph". There are 5 Aura types in Human Design; manifestors, reflectors, projectors, manifesting generators and generators. Today we will be talking about Manifestors. Manifestors If your chart has an open (white) Sacral Center and one of the other three motors going to the throat center you are a Manifestor. Only 8 percent of the population are Manifestors. With an open Sacral Center, Manifestors do not have sustainable energy or that inner GPS. Instead, the open Sacral Center takes in and amplifies all the Generator energy around them. Manifestors can do more than Generators and Manifesting Generators but only for a while. If they try to sustain this energy, it leads to burn out. Manifestors need rest and alone time to cool down from being exposed to the rev up from Generators motors. They are vulnerable to not knowing when enough is enough and can overdo it. Manifestors are here to impact people, situations, and projects. They are here to get things moving. They are designed to initiate a process, then step out and let the Generators do the legwork to build. Since Manifestors don't have a defined Sacral Center they don't have to wait to respond. Yet since they don't have that clear inner guidance system, Manifestors often need to take an experimental approach to see what will work. As a powerful force, Manifestors have a closed repelling aura. They have typically been leaders in our culture. Having a motor to the throat means they don't depend on others to take action and can be loners paving their own way. Having a non-verbal process requires time to cultivate, and they need to be allowed to be in their creative process flow. Interruptions and help from others can break their flow; it's important that Manifestors have enough time and space with their thoughts. The strategy for Manifestors is to inform. At times the power and impact of Manifestors can be intimidating and challenging to others. They are designed to do what they want when they want. In today's society, this can be unwelcomed behavior "stay in line" can be mumbled from the sidelines. That's why when Manifestors inform people; they stand a far greater chance of diminishing resistance they might encounter. If interrupted or when things don't go their way, Manifestors can get angry. This can be tough on both the Manifestor and the people around them. Manifestors need to find proper outlets for their anger to avoid shutting down their creative flow. 5 Tips for ManifestorsTip 1 - Learn to balance time alone and time with others
While we admire individuality, we also value connection, and it can be not very clear to Manifestors where they fit on that scale. They are fiercely independent and aren't always team players. Especially if other people on the team have opposing opinions or when authority tries to tell them what to do. It's essential to create space and time alone to work on your projects and ideas. When working in team settings, be aware that your anger might flare if someone argues your viewpoints and tries to tell you to do something that you disagree with it. Just by being aware of this, you can calm the internal dialogue and body sensations that arise. Tip 2 - Create healthy outlets for anger Anger can arise for Manifestors when things don't go their way. It can get ugly, as many of them unleash these emotional sensations internally on themselves or others. The key is to have healthy outlets for your anger. Try a high-intensity workout, hit a pillow and scream. Clear this energy, and then do an activity that excites you. Time alone or out in nature to connect back to your vision and something bigger than you can help soothe your pent up negative energy. Find self-soothing techniques that work for you. With your power and anger, you can create an unstable environment and repel others. Learn to manage how you handle your anger both internally and externally. Tip 3 - Know when enough is enough You take on the energy of the Generators around you, which leads to not knowing when enough is enough. You can risk burnout out or be perceived as "too much". You may overindulge in unhealthy self-soothing behaviors, not knowing when to stop engaging in these negative patterns. Create a schedule that allows solo time. Cultivate spiritual practices that allow you to clear the energy of others and get back to your natural energy cadence. Write a list of healthy self-soothing techniques such as meditation, taking a bath, going for a walk, whatever feels best for you. Tip 4 - Cultivate mindfulness or inner guidance practices Without the inner guidance system of the Sacral Center you are meant to experiment with your ideas and see what sticks. This can be incredibly challenging as you might feel pressure to know what is next. Release that pressure by cultivating mindfulness or spiritual practice that allows you to relax into the present moment. Everything is unfolding exactly as it should. Trust in the divine plan. Be curious and open to the present moment. Learn to surrender to the now, and you will uncover a new way of being with less worry and pressure to perform. You are powerful and impactful; trust in that knowing. Tip 5 - Schedule in rest, relaxation and isolation time You are not designed for our cultural norm of school and work from nine to five. You simply do not have sustainable energy. You do best by initiating a project and then leaving the work aspect to the Generators. Create space in your schedule for downtime and rest away from all the Sacral motor energy. You'll need to learn to pay attention and manage your energy levels. Naps and solo time are daily musts! Are you looking for more support? I offer 1:1 coaching sessions to dive into your Human Design type together and help you discover the life journey that will lead you to excitement and satisfaction. I also have a self-discovery course called Let Your Light Shine. Any questions, pop them below or feel free to reach out through the contact form. Much Love Always, The Rebel Soul Shannon McAlister 4/14/2021 1 Comment 5 Tips For Manifesting GeneratorsFor all those interested in Human Design I've rounded 5 tips for Manifesting Generators. New to Human Design? Get a free reading on My Body Graph or Google "free Human Design graph". There are 5 Aura types in Human Design; manifest0rs, reflectors, projectors, manifesting generators and generators. Manifesting Generator When your sacral center Is defined you are a Generator. As a Manifesting Generator you have sustainable energy from your sacral center and are here to master your work and LOVE what you do. This motor turns off and on, so you must wait to respond before acting. In addition you also have a channel that connects your Emotional Solar Plexus motor to your Throat Center. By having a motor to the throat you are able to manifest. When energy from one of the motors gets to the throat, then what we say has power and force. It enables us to create. It Impacts others. It can be heard. You can empower people just by your presence, as your energy Is able to fill In other people's channel to their throat (if they don't have one on their own). So not only do you have sustainable energy, but It also has consistent access to the energy of impacting and creating. But this energy Is only available to the Sacral Center. Manifesting Generators are uniquely designed to move quickly and to multitask. They are highly capable and often prefer to handle things themselves rather than explain to someone else what to do. Strategy - Wait to Respond, Inform, then Act Because Manifesting Generators have the Sacral Center, they are designed to live In response. Thus, they must wait for the Sacral Center to be turned on before engaging. It Is not enough for the Manifesting Generator to have the thought "I need a vacation," then book the vacation. They need something from the outside world to flip that switch. Say their best friend says "You look like you could use a vacation." The Sacral turns on, they have a yes response (body expansion, verbal uh-huh or excited facial expression). But they can't just go book the vacation; they need to Inform their boss, partner, or whomever It will Impact. There's a tendency to want to act on their own, but when they Inform, they have a better possible outcome. 5 tips for Manifesting Generators 1) Learn to inform others
In addition to waiting to respond, Manifesting Generators must also inform others. With the connection to their throat center, they will be impacting people, and when they learn to let people in on the projects they are working on, they will have a far easier time completing their goals. They incline to move forward once they have the sacral response to something. They tend to get completely absorbed and forget the outside world. Project isolation can get them into trouble in their relationships with others. The key is to remember to include the people around them in what they are doing, and things will unfold much more smoothly. Remember that not everyone is as adept as you and will need to be told what's going on. 2) Learn to ask for help Manifesting Generators are so talented and efficient; they tend to want to do everything by themself. Doing everything on their own can lead to burnout and take a toll on their energy supply. There will be times when it's right to ask for help, which can be challenging for them to recognize and accept. A few tools that can help are body scan meditations, regular check-ins with an accountability partner/spouse and say what's working and not working. Through these types of exercises, you might realize you have aches/pains, repressed emotions and some key warning signs telling you to slow down and ask for support. 3) Learn how to be in a relationship with others Because they don't need people in the same way that most do, they can be challenging to be in a relationship with, especially if their partner wants more time and connection. If their partner can support them with space and time to work on their projects solo, then the relationship can work well. Clear communication and informing others will help mitigate misunderstandings in their relationships. But the Manifesting Generator needs to be aware of their absorption and navigate the needs of their partner in a healthy and balanced manner. 4) Know your intention and why If a Manifesting Generator is not harnessing their Sacral Center inner GPS, their tremendous energy can be unfocused. They tend to be very busy doing multiple things, and having scattered energy not backed by intention or a heartfelt why can lead to burnout. It's key to recognize their limits and not push themselves to overdo things they aren't passionate about. Remember, Generators are to do work that they love! Not just use their energy to check things off their to-do list. Regular spiritual practices, whether that's going out in nature, praying, meditating, singing or dancing, can help Manifesting Generators connect to something larger than them. In return, their intentions and life purpose will become more apparent. 5) Have healthy outlets for frustration and anger Like a Pure Generator, the Manifesting Generator can become easily frustrated when resistance and blocks occur. They must sort out where their Sacral Center is guiding them. Sometimes their best strategy is to shift directions, while other times, they need to stay and obtain mastery. Also, anger can arise for Manifesting Generators when things don't go their way. It can get ugly, as many of them unleash these emotional sensations internally on themselves or others. The key is to have healthy outlets for your frustration and anger. Try a high-intensity workout, hit a pillow and scream. Clear this energy, and then do an activity that excites you. Get that Sacral energy flowing again and tune into your internal GPS. Where is it guiding you? Ready to tap Into your own power? I've created a Throat + Sacral Activation Meditation for Manifesting Generators. Are you looking for more support? I offer 1:1 coaching sessions to dive into your Human Design type together and help you discover the life journey that will lead you to excitement and satisfaction. I also have a self-discovery course called Let Your Light Shine. Any questions, pop them below or feel free to reach out through the contact form. Much Love Always, Shannon McAlister For all those interested in Human Design I've rounded 5 tips for tuning into your sacral response as a generator. New to Human Design? Get a free reading on My Body Graph or Google "free Human Design graph". There are 5 Aura types in Human Design; manifest0rs, reflectors, projectors, manifesting generators and generators. About 70% of the world's population are generators. As a generator you carry life's most powerful motor within you, the Sacral Center (think womb space or pelvic area). Literally the source of life energy flows through you! You are here to use your energy to work and to LOVE the work you do. When you're living in alignment to your sacral response, you experience satisfaction and enjoy using your full reserve of energy each day, waking up revitalized ready to take on each day! Although you possess a vast pool of energy inside, you do not have consistent access to this energy that your mind thinks you do. The only approach for your energy to emerge is to follow your strategy of waiting to respond. This doesn't mean you wait around doing nothing! Rather you can experiment and follow the cues of your body. When you light up at an invitation to go somewhere, or get asked to join a project, you must listen to how your body responds. Do you light up and expand with excitement with "ah-hunh"! or do you pause with a hmmm? Or maybe you retract with un-un? Tuning into your body can help you decipher what you are excited to pour your energy into. When you take action on something you are excited about you get in the flow and have mass amounts of energy to see the plan through. The beauty of being a generator is listening to your body's wisdom. You must slow down and be aware of how you are responding to the world around you with verbal, physical and facial responses. You also become a magnet for opportunities the more you are following what excites you! Your energy magnifies and pulls the right people, places and things to YOU! The thing is many of us have been condition to not trust our gut or our body. Waiting to respond and surrendering to the unknown can be so hard for many of us! Especially those of us Americans living the hustle and grind mentality. "If I'm not doing then I'll fail!" we tend to hear. But you are meant to experiment, follow your passions, play and use your energy to create a satisfying life. One way to know if you are on the wrong track with your life's purpose is if you are constantly in a state of frustration. You may have energy to see projects through but if you are frustrated the whole time you won't produce something authentic to you. Enjoying the process of your creation is your true gift and when you start following your inner guidance you give others around you permission to do the same. Our world would be a far better place if even half of the generators were living life through their sacral response! As a generator your energy radiates out to others! If using your inner authority correctly you magnify the feeling and energy of satisfaction. On the other hand if you are working with the energy of frustration you give off that energy to others. Sound familiar to the frustrating world we currently live in!? As a generator myself I've been experimenting with my body response, but first I had to go within and shed all the old harmful stories about my body, trusting my intuition and really give myself some good old TLC! After coming home to myself and shedding the people pleaser mentality I've been able to tune into my gut/intuition/sacral energy. I know when I'm frustrated and not excited to do my work I'm on the wrong path. When I do something that lights me up I typically get a better response from those around me and I feel satisfied; win-win! Tip #1 - Keep a record of how your body responds in various situations.
This works well with a partner if they ask you yes or no questions - you can listen for your verbal response ah-huh, hmmm, un-un. For example your partner can ask you if you want pizza for dinner? Do you light up with excitement, maybe a smile, or move your body toward your phone to look at a menu? Or do you crinkle your face in a question - hmmmm you remark; that's a no for now. Do this with easy questions at first and then when you feel like you know your own personal cues you can work up to harder questions like do you want to start a YouTube channel or move to San Diego? No matter the decision you need to start making them from your sacral response rather than you mind! No pro or con list will let you know if you made the right decision, but your body is wise and will never you steer you to an experience you didn't need to go through. You'll be so surprised at the unique circumstances that unfold when you start living that way. For example, in college I had a nudge to leave my dorm room and go do homework on the lawn. As I was walking by a booth in the middle of campus, a friend stopped me and asked if I wanted to interview to be a Summer Orientation leader. As she explained the role my eyes lit up and my body moved toward the sign up sheet. I got the role and even became a Senior Leader the following year. To this day it's one of my favorite jobs I've ever had. If I never followed that nudge to switch up my homework location I would have never been invited to interview and wouldn't have had the opportunity I loved so much. #2 Breathwork and meditation Quieting your mind and being still helps you tune Into your body so that you can pick up your internal wisdom. Body scan mediations help you identify body sensations, release tension and be more aware of your body. Breathwork is a great tool to calm down your fight or flight response, as a generator you are probably use to the hustle and grind of modern society. The key is to slow down and self soothe. Feel into the here and now, turn down the chatter of the monkey mind and listen to the wisdom of your body. If you are feeling stuck and frustrated as you read this post, I've created a meditation to activate your sacral chakra. #3 Dance + Embodiment Practices Dancing, moving your hips, and getting your blood moving in a free form way is a great tool for tapping into the wisdom of your body and waking up your sacral energy center. Turn on your favorite beats and shake your hips. Close your eyes and feel into your body. What sensations do you feel? Are you feeling tension? Relax the body and let her move. Let your body lead and your mind follow. One of my coaches has a beautiful embodiment practice that has helped me tap In and turn on the energy of my body. Tori Washington has created a beautiful Wealth Embodiment Flow that takes you through the depths of scarcity to the sensations of abundance and wealth frequency. While doing this flow I've released a lot of energetic tension in my body and even healed my sciatica. #4 Body Led Day For one whole do listen to your body and go do whatever It Is guiding you to do. This is almost like a Yes Day if you've seen that movie on Netflix. Allow yourself to do whatever lights your body up. No questions or mental checklists. See where she takes you! You might even have some unique encounters or meet awesome people along way. #5 Experiment + Trust Yourself If you are feeling frustrated and stuck it's important to experiment, try new things, new ways and with new people. The more you follow your excitement and feel satisfied the more you will trust yourself. Remember you are building a relationship with your body. Tuning into your own personal cues can take time, commitment, trial and error. Be kind to yourself as this new way of guidance is most likely very unfamiliar or different to the way you have previously made decisions. It's like building a muscle if you don't use it you lose it! Most importantly have fun and get lost in the process. Along the way new doors and possibilities could open to you that you never planned or dreamed of. Your body is wise and is to be trusted. Looking for more support? I offer 1:1 coaching where we can dive into your Human Design type together and help you discover your own life journey that will lead you to excitement and satisfaction. I also have a self-discovery course called Let Your Light Shine. Any questions pop them below or feel free to reach out through the contact form. Much Love Always, Shannon McAlister |
AuthorShannon McAlister | Educator, wifey and conscious mama who is practicing mindful living + appreciating the everyday magic! CategoriesAll Astrology Conscious Parenting Events Archived Generators Human Design Human Design + Branding Human Design Centers Manifesting Generators Manifestors Mindfulness My Story Rebel Soul Stories Recipes Reflectors Self Discovery Self-Discovery Archives
December 2023