Have you ever felt so lost you'd try anything? YOU scoured the internet for personality quizzes, read self-development books, listened to motivational podcasts and started all the healthy habits, BUT it still wasn't clicking? WHAT IS MY PURPOSE!!!!!! What AM I supposed to do with my life?
That was me, sister, I couldn't figure out my WHY or my PURPOSE for many years. I first want to tell you that you aren't lost or on the wrong path, that you are exactly where you're meant to be. The fact that you are reading this is a sign that you are in the right place! It's all apart of divine timing, and we all need to learn through are various human experiences. For me, a HUGE shift came once I got my hands on my full natal Astrology chart, so many things in my life started to make sense! It was like I was finally able to decode why I was the way I was. For example, I've had a million jobs; Sales Representative, Marketing Coordinator, Buyer, Office Manager, People Operations Specialist, Wedding Planner + owned my own Event Planning business. I kept thinking will I ever figure it out, will I ever find my purpose? It wasn't until I dove deep into my full Astrology chart and saw things like; I'm a Gemini moon in my 10th house of career. The moon tells you how to live out your soul purpose in your body; for me, that soul path is through my career (10th house). Geminis need to communicate, process facts and ideas. They are always researching, learning and pushing intellectual boundaries. I always thought of myself as an extrovert; hence all the people facing roles. However, when I hit a plateau in my career, I started taking random courses, diving into self-development and spirituality. I realized I'm both; I get a lot of energy by being introverted through learning and then being extroverted by communicating that information to others. My moon sign in Gemini is just one example of how my chart helped me put the pieces together. As I looked deeper into my chart, almost every aspect was leading me to use my knowledge, wisdom and experiences to heal and inspire others. I thought this couldn't be! But the deeper I reflected and discovered myself through my astrology chart this made perfect sense. My challenges, hurts and pains have all led me to show others how to alchemize their darkness into light (hello sun sign in Scorpio). My Ascendant Ruler is in Virgo in my 1st house of Self; your self-image, confidence and expression. Whatever sign you have in your 1st house is very apparent to others around you. We wear this energy on our sleeves. As a Sun Sign in Scorpio, I thought I gave off that mysterious dark vibe, but I was o so wrong. I now understand how I carry Virgo tendencies, such as being sensitive, helpful, a perfectionist, overly critical of Self and sensitive to criticism. One of my key lessons has been unconditional self-love and the importance of not taking life so seriously! It's 1000% ok to make mistakes, and no one is perfect here on earth. The North and South Nodes points taught me where I was on my journey and where I needed to go. I'm a South node Libra, a people pleaser and a North node Aries, a trailblazer. My crucial lesson in life is not to make decisions through the lens of what others advise me to do, or I think they desire of me. Instead, I need to be my true authentic Self; stand on my own two feet and blaze my own trail forward. Reading through my Astrology Natal chart helped me discover so much about myself. Especially the shadow parts that I was blinded by or even parts of myself that I have repressed. The star blueprint to my personality has guided me to my passions, purpose and why! If YOU ARE READY to go on a self-discovery journey guided by your stars within I'd love to help guide you. I offer personalized Astrology readings which also include reflection questions, journal prompts and affirmations to help you on your self-journey. If you'd like additional support, I also offer a one-hour session with the reading. If a Self-love coach and an astrologer had a love child that would be what I offer! We will dig deep into your chart, your story and get you on your path to what you truly desire babe. You get to live the life of your dreams, and I know your astrology chart can help uncover gems and truths that you've been searching for. The truth is it's all inside you babe, you just have to go within! Good luck on your journey, love, and don't forget to have fun along the way. Life is way to short to be taken so seriously! xoxo, The Rebel Soul Mama P.S - Here's $5 off of a reading REBELSOUL5 and $10 off a reading + coaching session REBELSOUL10
3/31/2020 0 Comments Little by LittleA year ago, I found myself on the couch paralyzed. I felt lost, hopeless and frustrated with where my career was heading. I had no clue what my true purpose and passion was. I had no confidence in myself or my abilities. At the time, I was commuting four hours a day to San Francisco for my full-time tech job and planning weddings as a side hustle. Every moment of my day was consumed by doing things for others whether it was for my co-workers, clients or my family. I had stopped taking care of myself and wasn't connecting to how I felt. That day all my emotions hit me like a ton of bricks, and I found myself paralyzed on the couch. I had stopped listening to myself and completely forgotten how to connect to my inner voice and intuition. I was keeping myself so busy that I never took the time to stop and check-in with myself. I was also seeking outside validation instead of my own. As I laid there on my couch and searched my streaming options on the TV to numb my thoughts, I stumbled upon a Rachel Hollis' documentary about her Rise conference. I did not want to hear a pep talk about how I needed to change my life, but something inside me pushed me to click and watch. For the first exercise, she had the crowd write a letter from their perseverance. As I mentioned, I did not want to get off the couch for any circumstance, but there I was again with an inner voice summoning me to grab a notebook and a pen. I did the exercise and wrote down all the things I've done in my life that I was proud of, all the things in my life that I thought were so hard, but I persevered. As I read this letter back to myself, tears streaming down my face, I realized how out of tune I was with myself. I had been talking to myself so severely and stacking negative points one on top another until I believed every word I told myself. My outside life was a reflection of my inner world. I knew then and there that if I wanted my circumstances to change, I had to change my inner turmoil to inner triumph. Little by little, I started to make small and significant changes in my life. The two changes that had the most impact on my life were:
Journaling | I hadn't written in a journal since high school, and I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it. This practice also forced me to slow down for a daily check-in with myself and set my intention for the day. Meditation | Encouraged me to be aware, kind and compassionate with myself. The practice of meditation taught me that my inner words have a crucial impact on my outer reality. Over time, my journaling and meditation practices have evolved. Little by little, I became more comfortable with these activities so that now they are a non-negotiable for me. I need to do them every single day to feel my best. I make sure I start my day this way so that I can set my intentions. Today I look back at the person I was a year ago, and I'm so proud of myself for taking that first step and becoming aware of what needed to change. I'm delighted with who I am today and continue to strive to be the best version of myself day after day. I sit here finding myself unemployed in these crazy times, the old version of me would have found every negative story and stacked it one on top of another, dragging me down further. The new version of me sees this as happening FOR me not to me. This unique circumstance is forcing me to get resourceful and creative. I'm choosing to be excited by my possibilities rather than fearful of everything that can go wrong. If you find yourself in a similar negative self-talk pattern I encourage you to slow down, connect with yourself, be kind to yourself and little by little you will find yourself in a brand new state of mind. You will start living a life that you want, not complaining about the life that's happening to you. You are the writer, actor, director of your own life. What do you want that story to look like? For me, I want to look back and see that I overcame obstacles, fears and created the most beautiful life possible for my family and me. With love, Rebel Soul |
AuthorShannon McAlister | Educator, wifey and conscious mama who is practicing mindful living + appreciating the everyday magic! CategoriesAll Astrology Conscious Parenting Events Archived Generators Human Design Human Design + Branding Human Design Centers Manifesting Generators Manifestors Mindfulness My Story Rebel Soul Stories Recipes Reflectors Self Discovery Self-Discovery Archives
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