⭐️ You feel a calling for something grander, a yearning for impact, and a desire in your belly to lead a community or serve the world... But you have no freaking idea where to start or how to show up! ⭐️ You’ve had a few tower moments, bounced back, rebuilt and rewritten your life story, AND now you want to teach others how you did it because you know in your bones that you have a solution that can change people’s lives. BUT you feel scared and indecisive on what, when, and how to share? ⭐️ You’ve hired the coach, did their strategy steps, and maybe got some results, BUT something felt seriously off and not quite like YOU. You deeply desire a more liberating and heart-centered way of doing business that feels like your soul expression is bursting from the seams and shining center stage of the community you are building. ⭐️ You feel constricted by normal rules of business - the hustle, grind, or icky sales tactics that flood your social feed feel totally out of integrity when sharing your offers. ⭐️ You deeply desire to be seen and heard, but there's a fear of success; what if I actually get what I want? Can I handle the new responsibility? Can I take the pressure of being center stage? You want to learn to hold more energy in your body through somatic work. |
Together we will get crystal clear on your offers, Ideal client, and messaging through the lens of Human Design!
The Actors CEO - Your Soul CREATIVE DIRECTOR - Your Inner Child SALES DIRECTOR - Your Heart ORACLE - Your Body The Script Human Design - AKA how your unique Internal lines connect your body to your soul like an energetic switchboard. When you’ve memorized the cues of your internal authority and the sensations you feel in the body when a choice is correct and healthy - you’ll begin to make decisions that are RIGHT FOR YOU! The Props + Costumes Somatic Practices -Dancing, Meditation, Tapping & Breathwork. Any practices that help you drop out of the head and into the body! The Producers Marketing, Branding, Content Creation & Storytelling, Graphic Design |
Through HUMAN DESIGN we will uncover your STAR qualities...
⭐️ Community + Connection- who are you here to serve, and what’s your unique platform or stage? How do you best connect to people and actors in your screenplay of life?
⭐️ Teach + Communicate - what are you here to be an authority on and share with the world stage? ⭐️ Trust YOUR Inner Voice - You have a unique way that your soul communicates to you through your body. Learn to trust this internal intelligence and decode what it is telling you. ⭐️ Decision Making + Movement - How you take action and utilize the spiritual gifts you behold. ⭐️ Transformation + Rebirth - The theme or flavor of life experiences, trials, and tribulations you have or will overcome and the process you are here to share that get's you to the other side. ⭐️ Challenges + Sudden Catalysts For Change - you will and have overcome many difficult chapters—time to spin those triumphant tales Into resources and guidance for others. ⭐️ Super Attractor + Brightest Aspect of Your Being - what you are here to embody & help others express fully. |